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Core Values

Never, ever give up as the inches are everywhere. Eventually you will win. Convincingly. We are warriors changing the face of India. We are dependable & consistent and deliver on all that we commit. We are about the future and add value through superior technological solutions. We are ethical and act with integrity in all of our dealings – always! We have fun, no matter, what!
We strive to be a great place to work by allowing all opinions to shine. We provide constructive feed-back using only facts and not emotions. Our arguments couch the good together with the bad (Good-Bad-Good!). We speak-up and don’t allow the poor performance of others to let the team down. We demonstrate the leadership we want shown to us. We are always caring. WE MAKE WORK FUN (as we spend 70% of waking hours here.).
We are a learning organisation. We encourage experimenting with new ideas without fear of failures. We learn from mistakes and try to ensure we don’t make the same mistake twice. We demand the data we need so we can make our arguments with facts and data. We build on our core competences through constant analyses of our markets. We measure and analyse our business risks and negotiate to mitigate them. We reward those who push the boundaries of comfort zones.
People are the purpose but profit & cash are the means. We never cheat to make a profit. We work with ethics & integrity in all that we do. We measure our cost correctly and ensure that margins cover not just our costs, but also the welfare of our team and the families that depend upon us. We measure our risks and only offer commercial terms that protect our cashflows. We earn profits through innovative and technologically superior solutions. We always spend less than we earn. We measure, analyse, iterate and own our decisions. We take responsibility.

Hungry (hʌŋ.ɡri)

We are warriors who never, ever give up, as the inches are everywhere. We are dependable + consistent & deliver on our commitments. We are about the future & add value through superior technological solutions that are relentlessly reliable. We are ethical & act with integrity in all of our dealings, – always! We always make our work fun, no matter what.

Brutally Honest ( ɒn.ɪst)

We strive to be a great place to work by allowing all opinions to shine. We are always caring & honest in our dealings with everyone. We provide constructive feed-forward using only facts & not emotions. Our arguments encompass the good & the difficult (Good-Bad-Good!). We speak-up and don’t allow the poor performance of others to let the team down. We demonstrate the leadership we want shown to us. WE MAKE WORK FUN (as we spend 80% of waking hours here.)

Innovative (in-uh-vey-tiv)

We constantly analyse our markets & develop innovative solutions that are relentlessly reliable, which address the key pain areas of our customers . We are a learning organisation & encourage making new mistakes. We learn from our mistakes and try no to make the same mistake twice. We reward those who push the boundaries of their (and our) comfort zones. We always make our work fun, no matter what!

Deserving (dɪˈzɜː.vɪŋ)

People are the purpose, but profit & cash are the means. We never cheat to make a profit. We work with ethics & integrity in all that we do. We present technically superior & innovative solutions that are relentlessly reliable to ensure we always deserve a profit. We measure our cost correctly & ensure that margins cover not just costs, but our welfare. We measure our risks & only offer commercial terms that protect our cash-flows. We make every deal count. Every sale! Every time! Every day! We always spend less than we earn. Then, we have fun, no matter what.

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